Bike Racing, Weight Lifting, Heavy Metal, Shittalking

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tabata Intervals

What is a Tabata interval, you ask? It's a reference to a Japanese study on the best ways to improve aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. It is a series of eight intervals of 20 sec maximal efforts with 10 sec rests. According to the study a 5 days a week/six week training protocol (on a bike, even) of this improves anaerobic performance by 28% and aerobic gets a little 14% boost as well.

Wow. Those are some significant numbers.

Some casual Googling of Tabata shows that there are some mentions of cycling in relation to these, but nothing too specific and definite. On guy's work out had him doing three sets of eight in one workout. Ouch!

So I tried to do a complete set of eight intervals today on my rollers today. Three times I tried. The first time I completed three intervals. I attempted the fourth but I was so exhausted that I almost fell off the rollers. Max speed 46.7 mph. The first work effort was easy. I jammed up to top maintainable speed and held it. Rest. 10 sec Rest. Go again. In the second effort acceleration was harder, the previous top speed was tough to hold but not super taxing. Ok Rest time. It's already over? Go again! This time I was bouncing a lot, having trouble seeing my computer for top speed and time. Really tough to get to top speed. almost impossible to hold. Rest. Again!? This last work effort was a mess. I was bouncing all over, losing all of my roller form. I almost fell off the rollers and that broke my concentration. Maybe rollers isn't the best venue for Tabata. Subsequent attempts at Tabata efforts had me quitting after three. I tried to pace myself, aiming for a 90% effort, just to see how many I could do and they all ended the same: practically bouncing off the rollers. I think that a trainer or spin bike would be better for for the Tabata regiment.

My heart rate was in the high 180's by the last of the efforts. These were some of the hardest workouts I have ever attempted. I coached Hugo through two sets of 4 and he looked like he has gonna die. I can't imagine plowing through 8 efforts, let alone three sets of 8. These are definitely getting added into my training program, once a week in the off season and then twice a week in my build phase. I want to be able to complete a set by October and two sets by January. I ain't gonna fuck with it before the States. Don't want to tax myself that hard again.

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